Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Week 2, Deadline 2 - Peer Responses

I really enjoyed the updated theme on his blog. For this narrative, I liked the idea of comparing parts of music to parts of vehicles, but I shamefully had a hard time following. I had a difficult time wanting to read this because it just looked like a difficult read without there being any diagrams or pictures to support the writing and making it easier to read and more visually appealing. I would like to see more images to support the claims and a clear call to action and what he’s trying to persuade me to do or think. 

I absolutely loved the topic of her narrative. I also considered discussing mental health awareness because it is also very important to me. I enjoyed the use of statistics and easy to read and understand language. I would have liked to have seen some images and maybe more information about specific mental illnesses and which ones are the most popular, etc.

I love that you linked an article that pertains specifically to your issue at hand. I almost didn’t realize this was a link because it blended into the rest of your font. I loved your use of chunking and the bulleted list really stood out and made this easy to read. I also enjoyed that you talked about specific numbers. While I can’t personally relate to this because I’ve never lived on campus, safety is very important. Do we know how many bridges would be the perfect number based on the student population?

This was one of my favorite narratives to read because of the multiple endings that were interactive. Excellent use of all the tools for storytelling. This is not a topic that I know a lot on, so this was a nice read. I felt deeply for the wife’s character, but I was really wanting to know more from Jack’s point of view and would have liked to have gotten an inside scoop of his thought process with his current mental state. 


Anonymous said...

Michelle, you're question is really interesting, I will have to do some research on that. I may look into other high student population universities and compare their pedestrian safety to ours.

Anonymous said...

You made a really good suggestion, Michelle. I agree that my narrative would benefit from the addition of more detail about Jack's struggle to reintegrate after his deployment. To incorporate more, I will need to do some research; it's too serious of an issue to completely use artistic license. Thank you for your feedback!

Monty Sylvan said...

I absolutely agree with you in this Michelle, I appreciate you pointing out clearly what did not work. It would have been much more ideal if I had everything connect a lot smoother for comprehension. Reading it back now, I can see exactly where images and links to the audio could have gone for a more interactive reading experience.

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